As professionals in the body art industry, your health and safety are our number one priority.
It is our responsibility to inform you of possible risks that may be associated with your procedure and/or healing process as well as provide insight into resolving any issues you may be experiencing with your body art.
These procedures can be performed in a variety of different ways. Many of which may compromise the skin structures and tissues near the nipple.
If you have had these or similar procedures, we suggest to wait a minimum of 2 years before nipple piercing (in some cases, it may be longer).
Contrary to popular belief, the majority of people with inverted nipple are able to have and successfully heal nipple piercings.
If you find a hard mass under an inverted nipple, we suggest to contact your physician.
Contact your physician if you develop inverted nipples later in life.
Scar tissue will absolutely affect how body art will heal.
Tattooing over scar tissue can greatly affect the overall look of the tattoo as the ink 'floats' differently in compromised (scar) tissue as compared to 'healthy' tissue.
Piercing through scar tissue: the longer the previous piercing has been out, the better chance there is of successfully healing the new piercing.
Re-piercing too soon through non-healed scar tissue will greatly increase the chance of jewelry migration and/or complications.
Seek an experienced tattoo artist/piercer when scar tissue is present.
For diabetics, the healing time for a tattoo and/or cosmetic procedure, may take 20-28 days (or longer). We suggest to keep tattoo/cosmetic sessions to no more than two (2) hours.
For Body Piercing, the healing time will take twice as long
We suggest to limit the amount of piercings in one session to no more than three (3).
If you have a compromised immune system, (Primary Immunodeficiency, Hepatitis, HIV, etc.) we may require a
"Physician's Acknowledgment Form" to be filled out by you and your primary caregiver before we will perform any body art procedure.
Though, "Piercing Bumps" may form on/near any body piercing, they seem to be more common on nostril, cartilage/helix, and navel piercings.
These 'bumps' are commonly caused by irritation/trauma to the piercing.
They often appear as small (possibly elevated), red, fluid-filled bumps; similar to a pimple.
They may be tender or itchy, or possibly accompanied by a burning sensation.
We suggest:
- Apply a hot compress, using wound wash, directly to the bump/piercing site
- Apply gentle pressure for 8-10 minutes.
-Repeat this 2-4x daily for 10-14 days.
Consistency is key! Doing this 'here & there' will not be as effective.
Some people may require a different approach in order to get these 'piercing bumps' to go away. Contact our piercers for more info.
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